UK:International Academic Excellence Scholarships at University of Exeter

The College has a limited number of £5,000 International Academic Excellence Scholarships, awarded competitively according to academic merit.Scholarships will be awarded as a reduction in the international student fee and will be applied following successful registration on an eligible Masters programme.
This scholarship may not be held in conjunction with any other College scholarship with the exception of the English Language Scholarship. In the event of a candidate being eligible for more than one award the one of higher value will be honoured.Applications will only be considered from applicants who have received an offer of a place on one of the eligible programmes.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
30 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

USA:Young Women in Public Affairs Award 2011 by Zonta International

Established in 1990 by Past International President Leneen Forde, the Young Women in Public Affairs Award honors young women in secondary level or pre-university schools, ages 16 to 19, who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organizations. The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients, and district and international awards are funded by the Zonta International Foundation. District recipients receive US$1,000, and five international recipients are selected from the district recipients to receive awards of US$3,000 each.

Women of any nationality, who are pre-university or pre-college students (ages 16-19) living or studying in a Zonta district/region at the time of application and demonstrate evidence of:

* Active commitment to volunteerism
* Experience in local or student government
* Volunteer leadership achievements
* Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs
* Advocating in Zonta International’s mission of advancing the status of women worldwide
The application must start with a Zonta club. All application materials must be received at a Zonta club by the printed deadline. Zonta clubs select one application to send to the Zonta governor.

Scholarship Application Deadline:1 July 2011.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Global Rice Science Scholarships 2011

The 2011 GRiSS offers young agricultural scientists the opportunity to be experts in a scientific discipline and to have a broader understanding of the global issues that affect rice science for development.

Study Subject: Agronomy, Crop physiology, Entomology, Plant pathology, Soil and water science, Plant breeding, Social sciences
Employer: GRiSS
Level: PhD

The Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) is a single strategic goal and work plan for global rice research.GRiSP streamlines current research for development activities of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). GRISP aligns these initiatives with numerous partners and adds new research activities to which science can make significant contributions.

This partnership also builds the capacity of the next generation of rice scientists. Partners are advanced research institutions and universities; national research, education, and extension systems; international and regional fora and development organizations; CGIAR centers; emerging national research systems; the private sector; and civil society organizations.

Research areas: rice science and related systems research

* Agronomy
* Crop physiology
* Entomology
* Plant pathology
* Soil and water science
* Plant breeding
* Social sciences

Types of scholarship

1. 3–4 years for a full Ph.D. program
2. Up to 3 years for a Ph.D. sandwich degree program

Scholarship benefits

* Round-trip airfare and related travel expenses
* Monthly stipend with local medical and accident insurance
* Research support
* Leadership and professional development funds
* University fees (with an upper limit)

Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 April 2011

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