The main objective of the Quota Scheme is to contribute to capacity building through education that will benefit the home country of the students when they return. The Quota Scheme is also intended to strengthen relations between Norway and the selected countries and thus contribute to internationalisation at Norwegian institutions of higher education.
Most universities and university colleges in Norway participate in the Quota scheme. The institutions involved are allocated a certain number of students under the programme each year. The scheme normally includes courses at Master’s and Ph.D. level in addition to certain professional/Bachelor’s degrees. Most of the Norwegian institutions offer courses and educational programmes in English.
For studentsPlease note that SIU is not responsible for the admission of students. The institutions of higher education that are part of the Quota Scheme handle all applications from prospective students.Information about the application procedure for the Quota Scheme should be available at the participating universities’ and university colleges’ websites.
You will further information about recruitment regulations, general admission requirements and links to the participating universities/ university colleges here.