Switzerland:Van Oord MBA Scholarship 2012 for Master’s Students

Accepted candidates with financial need who are citizens of the above geographical areas with a preference given to those who wish to return to their countries after graduation. Preference also is given to those with a technical background and / or experience related to marine engineering.
Developing countries whose advancement / progress has been strongly influenced by its seaside location, struggle against the water, maritime tradition, river transportation system, etc.


-Applicants must have been accepted into the IMD MBA program prior to their application.
- Our scholarship applications are essay based, with winning essays typically including the following features:
Relevance to the essay title
Organization and structure
Fully developed arguments
Personal element and/or passion
-IMD reserves the right not to award a scholarship if the criteria are not met to the satisfaction of the jury / sponsors.

Read more:http://www.imd.org/programs/mba/fees/scholarships/van-Oord-MBA-Scholarship.cfm

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