UK:International Students House Scholarships at University of Westminster

Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation at International Students House, living expenses and flights to and from London.

Eligibility:You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree.

Deadline: 31 May 2012

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Japan:The Hitachi Scholarship Program for Postgraduate Study

The Hitachi Scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for Southeast Asian universities to send faculty members, who wish to continue teaching and research at their universities after graduation, to Japan as part of their human development programs. Recipients of this award are invited to attend Japanese public and private graduate schools that have close relationships with Southeast Asian universities. The Scholarship provides financial support and personal assistance and consultation.


Eligibility for the program is limited to faculty members up to the age of 30 for masters degree candidates or 35 for Ph. D. degree candidates in the fields of scince and technology and each applicant must be recommended by a senior staff at their home university as a potential candidate for international reasearch collaboration after graduation.
* Be faculty members of one of the eligible universities stated below.
* Have been nominated by their university’s presidential office, with the approval and recommendation of the faculty and the department.
* Have received a specific and confirmed invitation from a professor at a Japanese university, who will act as the host professor to collaborate with and/or advise the applicant until graduation or the completion of the program.

Application Deadline: 31 October 2011

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International Undergraduate Scholarships at University of New York in Tirana (UNYT)

The University of New York in Tirana (UNYT) provides competitive scholarships for outstanding undergraduate students wishing to begin full time study in the Fall 2011 academic semester leading to a UNYT

Bachelor’s degree. The purposes of the scholarships are:

i. to recognize students of outstanding aptitude and scholarship;
ii. to provide an opportunity for incoming students to receive an exceptional education without a monetary burden;
iii. to encourage and broaden the student’s opportunities while attending UNYT

UNYT offers scholarships to students to be enrolled in any of the degree programs. The subject areas covered by UNYT at this time are as follows:

- Business Administration
- Business Communication
- Economics
- Finance
- Management
- Marketing
- English Language and Literature
- Communication and Journalism
- International Relations and Political Sciences,
- Psychology
- Computer Science
- Information Systems


In order to be eligible for a scholarship from UNYT, you must meet certain conditions relating to academic qualifications. The following provides a general guide to these qualifications.

You should be a graduate of a recognized high school, a student expecting to graduate from a high school before 31 August 2011, or a holder of an equivalent diploma (i.e. International Baccalaureate, etc.) with a Grade Point Average of no less than 8/10 (or equivalent). You should be a student planning to enrol with UNYT in the Fall 2011 for full-time studies. You should not hold any other scholarships or award for study at UNYT.

There is NO age limit for applicants, and applications from candidates of whatever age will be considered on their merits, taking into account all the circumstances of the case and the purposes of the scholarship scheme set out in paragraph 1.


UNYT offers two types of scholarships to incoming students based on the percentage of fees covered. Five full-fee scholarships will be provided to the five first winners of UNYT’s competition. For these students, all fees associated with registration and course work will be provided. Four other scholarships will provide 50% of the fees to the sixth up to the eleventh winner of UNYT’s competition. Each of these scholarships will be provided for the students’ complete course of study. Assuming compliance with the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 23 to 26, scholarships will cover all four years of study leading to a UNYT Bachelor’s degree. However, scholarship holders wishing to obtain a Bachelor’s from the State University of New York / Empire State College (SUNY/ESC) together with their UNYT degree are required to cover the fees of the SUNY/ESC concentration courses through their own financial means.


You should complete your application on the given form, which is available from UNYT and submit it with all supporting documents to the UNYT reception desk. Applicants applying from abroad may post their application folder for the attention of Mr. Hektor Ruci; all posted applications, though, should have been received by Monday, September 26, 2011, at 17.00 (GMT +1)

You should read the notes of the form carefully before you begin to fill it in. The first part of the form asks for information about you and your proposed program of study. The second part consists of two reference forms. These should be filled out by two persons as defined in paragraph 12. These forms should be signed and sealed, placed in two corresponding envelopes and must be turned in along with your application form and a certified copy of your high school diploma and transcript(s) for all 4 years of your high school studies. The deadline for the receipt of the completed application is Monday, September 26, 2011 at 17.00. This deadline will be strictly enforced and no applications or reference forms will thereafter be accepted.

Applications must be accompanied by two reference forms. You should choose two individuals that have known you in an academic or work related manner. High school teachers, counsellors or employers are generally ideal references. You should not request a reference from a family member or friend as these individuals cannot provide us with objective recommendations.

Applications must be accompanied by copies of your high school diploma and transcript(s) for all 4 years of your high school studies.

Closing Date

The closing date for the receipt of all parts of your application form is September 26 at 17.00. That closing date will be strictly enforced. Incomplete applications will not be considered for approval. It is imperative that you take this date into account when requesting references and high school transcripts as such processes can sometimes take time.

Selection Procedures

UNYT appoints assessors from among senior academic staff. They consider all the available information relevant to a decision whether to support a particular student. There are no quotas to the number of applications accepted. Applications are assessed on their merits by assessors, who take account of:
i. your performance in high school based on the high school transcript (30% of the total assessment grade);
ii. your performance on examinations in English, Mathematics and Computer Usage (60% of the total assessment grade; for further information on these examinations and the timeline please refer to paragraph 16).
iii. your references and an interview (10% of the total assessment grade).

Applicants with a high school Grade Point Average of no less than 8/10 (or equivalent) are expected to complete examinations in English (September 27, 2011, at 10.00 a.m.), Mathematics (September 28, 2011, at 10.00 a.m.), and Computer Usage (September 29, 2011, at 10.00 a.m.). Applicants must be present for all examinations as their scores will significantly affect the awarding of scholarships (60% of the total assessment grade). UNYT reserves the right to differentiate the level of tests’ difficulty according to the desired discipline of studies.

Applicants will be invited for an interview with assessors after notification. This interview will help assessors to determine which of the applicants will receive scholarship offers (10% of the total assessment grade).

You will be notified of the result of your application by letter no later than October 6, 2011. In order for an applicant to qualify for a scholarship, he/she must have achieved a score of no less than 80% in each of the three exams. In some cases candidates will be informed that they are on a reserve list, and that a scholarship can be offered only if another candidate declines the offer of an award.

Please do not telephone to ask about the outcome of your application. The staff members of UNYT are not authorized to give you such information over the phone. Assessors will contact you as soon as possible regarding the results.

Contact Details

Please address any inquiries about scholarships to:

University of New York Tirana
Rruga “Komuna e Parisit”, Pranë Kopshtit Botanik
Tirana, Albania
Telephone: +355 042 273056, -57, -58
Fax: +355 042 273059


Europe:Erasmus Mundus (IMQP) Scholarship

The International Master in Quaternary and Prehistory (IMQP) lasts two years. It is formed of a partnership of six HEIs with multi-annual experience in prehistoric research and formation: Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy, coordinator), Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle (France, partner), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain, partner), Instituto Politecnico of Tomar (Portugal, partner), Universidade de Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal, partner) and University of the Philippines Diliman (Philippines, partner).

The main subjects of the IMQP educational program are the following: prehistory, anthropology, human palaeontology, chronology, evolution of fauna and flora, archaeometry and Quaternary geology. The main objective of the Master is to provide an essential knowledge on Prehistory and Quaternary geology by adopting an interdisciplinary approach and exploiting the scientific specialities of each partner Institution.

The IMQP master award a JOINT DEGREE signed by all Partners Institutions (UNIFE, URV, MNHN, IPT & UTAD). The students can also ask for a national degree awarded by the first hosting institution. The officials languages of the joint degree are Italian and French.

Admission criteria: for all partner Institutions the same procedures for application and selection criteria for the admission to the Master Degree will be valid. Students from at least 3 year university courses can be admitted. These courses have to be legally acknowledged with university degree or similar qualifications within archeology, literature, prehistory, paleontology, Quaternary’s geology, natural and environmental science, biology and geology, technology and cultural heritage preservation, education and tourism science.

Partner institutions are engaged in the acknowledgment of degrees of Third Countries’ candidates according to the rules in force. Selections and applications, carried out at each partner institution’s with common agreed procedures, are consequently acknowledged by other participants to the Master Degree.

Students selected by partner University will be admitted to the Master Degree at the origin University and at Ferrara University, administrative center of the course.The application forms for the scholarships for third country students are published on this sites 4 months before the closing date of the call.

Erasmus Mundus (Quaternary and Prehistory - IMQP) Scholarship

The scholarships will be awarded as follows:

Category A - no. 6 scholarships awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. No. 1 scholarship awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from Western Balkans and Turkey.

Category B – no. 4 scholarships awarded to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia and who do not fulfill the Category A criteria defined above.

* Category A scholarships can be awarded to masters students selected by EMMC consortia who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
** Category B scholarships can be awarded to any masters students selected by EMMC consortia and who do not fulfil the Category A criteria defined above.

Application Deadline: 10 February, 2012

Download the application form for students

to send to

Prof. Carlo Peretto – COORDINATOR

Tel. +39 0532-293800


Dott.ssa Marta Arzarello – Tel +39 0532-293736


Dipartimento di Biologia ed Evoluzione Ercole I d'Este 32

44100 Ferrara


Quota Scholarship Scheme for Developing Countries in Norway

The Norwegian government provides students from developing countries in the South and countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and in Central Asia with financial support to study for a degree in Norway under the Quota Scheme.

The main objective of the Quota Scheme is to contribute to capacity building through education that will benefit the home country of the students when they return. The Quota Scheme is also intended to strengthen relations between Norway and the selected countries and thus contribute to internationalisation at Norwegian institutions of higher education.

Most universities and university colleges in Norway participate in the Quota scheme. The institutions involved are allocated a certain number of students under the programme each year. The scheme normally includes courses at Master’s and Ph.D. level in addition to certain professional/Bachelor’s degrees. Most of the Norwegian institutions offer courses and educational programmes in English.

For students

Please note that SIU is not responsible for the admission of students. The institutions of higher education that are part of the Quota Scheme handle all applications from prospective students.Information about the application procedure for the Quota Scheme should be available at the participating universities’ and university colleges’ websites.

You will further information about recruitment regulations, general admission requirements and links to the participating universities/ university colleges here.

Commonwealth Scholarships for developing Commonwealth Country Citizens

Commonwealth Scholarships for students from developing Commonwealth countries for Master’s, PhD, and split-site (PhD) study in the UK. These scholarships are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

There is a nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships in each Commonwealth country. In addition, universities and university bodies in a number of developing Commonwealth countries are invited to nominate candidates to the CSC.

Each year, the CSC invites each nominating agency/university/university body to forward a specific number of nominations. Each nominating agency/university/university body is responsible for its own selection process, and in most cases they will set a closing date in the months preceding the CSC’s deadline for nominations (21 December 2011).

Approximately 200-230 scholarships are awarded each year. The CSC invites around three times more nominations than scholarships available – therefore, nominated candidates are not guaranteed to get a scholarship. There are no quotas for scholarships for any individual country. Candidates nominated by national nominating agencies are in competition with those nominated by universities/university bodies, and the same standards will be applied to applications made through either channel.

Terms and conditions and eligibility

Applications are considered according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate
  • Quality of the proposal
  • Likely impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country

For more information, see Selection Criteria 2012 (available in early August 2011).

Courses of study

You can apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship for the following levels of study:

  • Master’s
  • PhD
  • Split-site, where the CSC supports one year’s study at a UK university as part of a PhD being undertaken in your home country

All subject areas are eligible, although the CSC’s selection criteria give priority to those applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development.

You are requested to apply for a course of study at a UK university which has agreed to offer a tuition fee contribution.


This scholarship given every year.Deadline for 2012 is 7 December,2011.

How to apply

All applications must be made through your nominating agency (or university/university body, if applicable) in your home country. You must check with them in the first instance for specific advice on how to make an application and for their own closing dates. The CSC cannot accept any applications direct from candidates.

The CSC expects all candidates being considered for a Commonwealth Scholarship to be nominated by an approved nominating agency/university/university body, and to have completed an application form using our Electronic Application System (EAS).

Danish Government Scholarships Per Year

Danish higher education institutions receive a limited number of government scholarships each year to fund highly qualified full-degree students from non-EU/EEA countries or Switzerland.

In order to be eligible for a scholarship you must be:

a citizen of a country outside the EU, the European Economic Area or Switzerland
enrolled in a full degree higher education programme
granted a time-limited residence permit in Denmark due to education

You are not eligible for a scholarship if you are:

studying in Denmark on the grounds of a bilateral exchange agreement
have a legal claim to the rights of Danish citizens
have been granted a residence permit at the time of admission by the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9c, subsection 1, as the child of a foreign citizen who has been granted a residence permit in accordance with the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9a, and who is a citizen of a country that is not acceded to the EU or covered by the EEA agreement
are a student who is eligible for a grant in accordance with Danish Law regarding the State Education Fund

The scholarships are administered by the higher education institutions, who individually decide which students are selected to receive a scholarship. For further information about the governement scholarship, please consult the higher education institution’s admission details.

Please note: the government scholarship consists of two parts and can be given as full or partial tuition fee waivers and/or grants towards covering your living costs. However, as the scholarships are administered by the individual institution, you should enquire about further details at the higher education institution of your choice.Link

Scholarship Source:

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