Oak Fellowship

Each year, the Oak Institute brings an Oak Human Rights Fellow to teach and conduct research while residing at the College. The Institute organizes lectures and other events centered around the fellow’s area of expertise. The purpose of the fellowship is to offer an opportunity for prominent practitioners in international human rights to take a sabbatical leave from their work and spend as long as a semester as a scholar-in-residence at the College. This provides the Fellow time for reflection, research, and writing.

While all human rights practitioners are eligible, we especially encourage applications from those who are currently or were recently involved in “on-the-ground” work at some level of personal risk. The Oak Fellow’s responsibilities include regular meetings with students either through formal classes or informal discussion groups and assistance in shaping a lecture series or symposium associated with the particular aspect of human rights of interest to the fellow. The fellow also is expected to participate in the intellectual life of the campus and enable our students to work or study with a professional in the human rights field.

The Fellow will receive a stipend and College fringe benefits, plus round-trip transportation from the fellow’s home site, a two-bedroom apartment, use of a car, and meals on campus. The Fellow will also receive research support, including office space, secretarial support, computer and library facilities, and a student assistant. The Fellowship is awarded for the fall semester (September through December) each year. Following the period of the award, the fellow is expected to return to her or his human rights work.

We must receive all applicant materials by December 15, 2011.

Apply for the Oak Fellowship

By early September: Online application submission is available
November 1, 2011: Nomination deadline
December 15, 2011: Application deadline
December 2011 – January 2012: Review of applications and research on candidates
February 2012: Selection committee meetings to select final candidates
Late February – Early March 2012: Phone interviews with finalists
March 2012: Decision notification to all applicants

If you would like to submit your application for the Oak Fellowship online please complete the application form and then click here and to submit it.

If you would like to submit a reference online for an Oak Fellowship applicant, please click here.


Czech Republic Government Scholarships 2012-2013 for Foreign Nationals from Developing Countries at Bachelor and Master’s Level

The Government of the Czech Republic offers a number of scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance Programme in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.


-Bachelor: Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from upper secondary schools who can enrol only in study programmes in which they follow instruction in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to take entrance examinations at the respective institution of higher education. The scholarship award is conditional upon a successful passing of entrance examinations;

-Master study programmes or Doctoral study programmes. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor or Master study programmes, respectively, who enrol in study programmes with instruction in the English language.

Deadline: 15 January each year


Europe:Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme in Systems Biology - euSYSBIO

The Erasmus Mundus master's programme in Systems Biology (euSYSBIO) is a cooperation between KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden (KTH), Instituto Superior Tecnologico in Portugal (IST) and Aalto University school of Science and Technology in Finland. It is a two-year Master's programme including compulsory mobilty for the students. Students enter at KTH or Aalto University and continue in the second year at one of the other two institutions.

The euSYSBIO programme offers education of high international standard as well as cultural experience from two different European countries and a double degree from two universities.

Students from any country are welcome to apply. A number of Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available.

Partner universities

More about scholarships

More about the programme

Erasmus Mundus (SELECT) Scholarships for International Students

The master's programme in Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems (SELECT) offers advanced education in the field of sustainable energy systems for the future. SELECT aims at delivering education for high competency and quality engineering skills in the field, including industrial interaction throughout the programme. Students graduating from the SELECT programme will have gained experience in the following topics:

- Training in multidisciplinary problem analysis and solving.
- Advanced team building in a multinational setting, along with stimulating international experience.
- A novel and multidimensional way of learning involving real and virtual classrooms
- Close collaboration with industry during thesis work.
- A unique network of fellow students, SELECT alumni and industry specialists in the field of sustainable energy.

The SELECT master's programme is, as of September 2011, an enlarged cooperation between:

  • the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden (KTH),
  • Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo),
  • Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands (TUE),
  • Technical University of Catalonian Spain (UPC),
  • Aalto University School of Science and Technology in Finland (Aalto),
  • AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland (AGH)
  • Instituto Superior Técnico in Portugal (IST)

SELECT is also recognized as an InnoEnergy in Sustainable Energy Engineering. It is a two-year Master's programme including compulsory mobility for the students.

SELECT is powered by scholarships opportunities from Erasmus Mundus, as well as the EIT KIC InnoEnergy. Students from all over the world are welcome to apply.

More about SELECT

How to Apply

More about the scholarships

New Zealand:2012 Dame Te Atairangikaahu Nursing Scholarship at Waikato Institute of Technology

The Dame Te Atairangikaahu Nursing Scholarships were established in 2006 by the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) at Turangawaewae on the occasion of the conferment of Wintec’s Honorary Fellowship to Dame Te Atairangikaahu. The first Scholarship was awarded in 2007. The purpose of the Scholarship is to assist Tainui students to undertake full-time study, towards an undergraduate Nursing qualification, Midwifery degree, or a postgraduate nursing qualification (specified below) in the School of Health, Wintec. The Scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic merit, personal character and involvement in cultural and community life. A Scholarship will be awarded each year, at a maximum value of $5,000 per year. The tenure of each Scholarship is for three years for a degree, eighteen months for the diploma, or up to two years for a postgraduate qualification.


1.Candidates for the Scholarship must be registered on the Tainui roll.
2. Each Scholarship holder shall be enrolled in one of the following Waikato Institute of Technology qualifications for 2012
3. Diploma of Enrolled Nursing Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Midwifery Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing Master of Nursing
4. Candidates must complete the prescribed application form and must include the following:
- the official copy of the applicant’s current NCEA results or academic transcript; and
-A written statement of up to 100 words on how this Scholarship will assist the applicant in furthering their career, particularly in Maori Health.
- A current reference from a kaumatua,
-secondary school teacher or principal or an employer or community leader.

Application Deadline: 16th February 2012

Read more: http://www.wintec.ac.nz/scholarships/details/files/Dame-Te-Atairangikaahu-Nursing-Regulations.pdf

UK:Merit Scholarships in Nursing at Robert Gordon University

The School of Nursing & Midwifery is pleased to offer a number of merit scholarships to outstanding students who wish to study at the School for the academic year 2011-2012. The School of Nursing & Midwifery’s Merit Scholarships are awarded to students who wish to study a taught postgraduate degree at the School from September 2011. There are a total of seven awards of £500 which are available for the 2011-2012 academic session. You need to complete an application form and return it to the School. Please see below for further details.


Applicant must

-Have an offer of a place to study on a taught postgraduate degree within the School of Nursing & Midwifery.
-Be an international student paying fees at the international rate,
-or Be a Home/EU student on a full cost course

Application Deadline: 7th October 2011

Read more: http://www.rgu.ac.uk/areas-of-study/subjects/health-professions/scholarships/merit-scholarships-school-of-nursing-and-midwifery/merit-scholarships-school-of-nursing-and-midwifery

USA:Fujitsu Scholarship for Asia-Pacific Region Applicants

Fujitsu Limited established the Fujitsu Scholarship Program in 1985 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding. The aim was to provide the opportunity for people from the Asia-Pacific region to contribute to the region through studying different values, cultures, and global business. This has been a Fujitsu’s key initiative for deepening the relationships between the countries and citizens of the Asia-Pacific region. This scholarship has since enabled 420 professionals from 18 countries to study cross-cultural management at JAIMS, the Japan-America Institute of Management Science, in Hawaii, U.S.A. The Fujitsu Scholarship provides full financial assistance for postgraduate education and cross-cultural management training in the East-West Knowledge Leaders Program (EWKLP) at JAIMS. The EWKLP has a three-month curriculum, which synthesizes the best practices of both the East and West. The participants will sharpen their global management knowledge and skills, and build the confidence necessary for success in global business situations. Selected Fujitsu Scholar will attend the EWKLP beginning in April 2012, followed by


-A bachelor’s degree or a degree equivalent to a four-year standard baccalaureate degree in any discipline from a regionally or nationally accredited institution.
-A minimum TOEFL score of 577/233/90 (paper/computer/Internet), TOEIC score of 750, or IELTS overall band test result of 6.5 or higher from tests taken between December 2009 and November 2011. The following applicants are exempt from submitting an English proficiency test score:
-Applicants whose native language is English and who are from either the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, or Singapore.
- Applicants who hold a bachelor’s or advanced degree within the last five years from an accredited or recognized college or university in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, or Singapore.
-Applicants must be a resident of the state of Hawaii, U.S.A., or a citizen of one of the following countries: Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, or Vietnam.

Deadline: November 30, 2011

Further Details:http://www.fujitsu.com/global/about/responsibility/community/scholarship/about

2012 The AP-Google Journalism and Technology Scholarship for The USA Citizens

The AP-Google Journalism and Technology Scholarship Program fosters new journalism skills in undergraduate and graduate students developing projects at the intersection of journalism and technology. Have you created original journalistic content with computer science elements? Are you thinking up new ways to tell a story with technology? Are you a “techie” who knows how to construct a journalistic story through multimedia? We’re looking for students pursuing studies at the crossroads of journalism, computer sciences and new media. If you’re on the cutting edge of digital media beyond the classroom, this scholarship is for you!

Students from diverse backgrounds, as well as those attending rural-area institutions, are strongly encouraged to apply. A selected number of scholarships will be based on financial need.


Be a U.S. citizen
Be a minimum of 18 years of age
Be currently enrolled full time at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree. (College graduates returning to school are eligible to apply and must provide an acceptance letter from graduate institution.)
Have at least one year of full-time undergraduate or graduate study remaining
Have minimum grade point average of 3.0
Be at least a college sophomore at time of application
Be available for in-person or remote interviews with selection committee if selected as a finalist


Six students will receive scholarship awards of $20,000 each for the 2012-13 academic year. Half of the award will be granted in the first semester. The remainder will be awarded in the second semester upon proof of project proposal update and maintenance of a 3.0 GPA. Awards will be made payable to the post-secondary institution.

Scholarship winners also will receive a one-year ONA membership and recognition at ONA’s 2012 conference in San Francisco.


Application Deadline: Jan. 27, 2012 (11:59 p.m. ET)


Netherlands:Leiden University Excellence Scholarship programme 2011/2012 (LExS)

This scholarship is for

-NonEU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University master's degree programme starting September 2011 or February 2012 ( All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes as mentioned on the website Master's programmes in Leiden).

- All nationalities enrolling in the following programmes starting September 2011 or February 2012:
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Air and Space Law
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in European and International Business Law
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Tax Law
- Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in Public International Law
- MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy

Deadline 1 October 2011 for programmes starting in February 2012.

Further Details:http://www.leidenuniv.nl/en/studyinleiden/lexs.htm

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