The research is funded by the Wellcome Trust, and will investigate interactions between auditory and motor areas in the brain during speech perception and production. The project will employ a variety of techniques either separately or in combination; these include behavioural measures, TMS, MEG and functional MRI.
Applicants should hold (or be about to obtain) a doctoral degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, or related field. They should also have a strong background in cognitive neuroscience research and an interest in speech communication. Prior experience with at least one of the methods used (TMS, MEG or functional MRI) will be necessary, and prior experience with combining these techniques will also be advantageous. Other criteria are: autonomy through all stages of experimentation, sound knowledge of experimental design and statistical methods, and proven ability to express ideas and disseminate findings effectively. Applicants should be able to work independently as well as co-operate with other members of the research team.
The position is funded from 1 January 2011 for two years in the first instance with the possibility of renewal for a further 12 months.
Further information on the Speech and Brain Research Group can be found on the website at Initial scientific enquiries about the post or the project may be directed to Dr Kate Watkins (email: or Dr Riikka Mottonen (email: ).
Further particulars, including instructions on applying for this post and a copy of the application form, are available from the Administration Offices (email: or can be accessed on the departmental website at The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 8 October 2010. Please quote reference number CQ/10/013 on all correspondence. Interviews are scheduled for the end of October 2010.