The Institute for Society and Globalisation (ISG) specialises in interdisciplinary research and teaching in the social sciences. Roskilde University is a leading Danish university emphasising interdisciplinary research, project-based learning, and socially-relevant engagement. The Doctoral School of the ISG announces PhD scholarships for employment from the 1st December 2010 in the following research theme: Globalisation and Europeanisation.
Applications must demonstrate that applicants are highly qualified and motivated in the social sciences, with an extremely interesting proposed PhD project which clearly fits within the theme (above), as well as being a topic which is possible to supervise within the Institute for Society and Globalisation at Roskilde University.
Please note: the scholarship is for so-called mobility scholarships, therefore only non-Roskilde University graduates may apply.
The application must be based only on the full announcement, which is found on: (formular in English)
or (formular in Danish)
For further information please contact: Professor Ian Manners or +45 (0)4674 2778