The Gus Archie Memorial Scholarship is supported by the Archie Fund of the SPE Foundation. Each year the SPE Foundation, working through the SPE Section Scholarship Support Program, as well as working with individual candidates, awards the Archie Scholarship to the most outstanding student preparing to attend university for the first time. The curriculum must lead to an undergraduate degree in petroleum engineering.
The Archie Fund endows each scholarship at $6,000 per year. The program provides support of an individual student through up to four years of university study, provided that he/she makes satisfactory academic progress. The program ordinarily requires a grade point average of 3.0 / 4.0 or higher for the current semester and a grade point average of 3.0 / 4.0 or higher on a cumulative basis. Students rotate off the program after 4 years of scholarship support.
Selection Procedures
Applications may be submitted to any section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and should be screened by the section according to the criteria used in selecting recipients in the SPE Section Scholarship Support Program.
Scholarship Application Deadline: APRIL 30 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application