Belgium:Special Research Funds for PhD Students from Developing Countries

With support from its “Special Research Fund” (BOF), Ghent University wishes to support university research groups or research centres in developing countries in their aim to grow into excellent research centres by upgrading local academic personnel. Therefore Ghent University grants PhD scholarships to promising PhD students from developing countries who wish to carry out half of their PhD research at Ghent University and half in a university in a developing country.

No restrictions are imposed on the field of research, nevertheless preference will be given to topics that are relevant for development. Relevance for development measures the degree in which the action of development corresponds with the expectations of the beneficiaries, the needs of the country, global priorities and the policies of partners and donors.

There are two types of scholarships: regular PhD grants (2 years) (type 1) and grants with a maximum duration of 1 year for students finalizing their PhD research at Ghent University (type 2).

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 March 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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