The International Scholarship Programme of the ENS Cachan is aimed at foreign students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their most recent qualification outside of France.
The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month, for a duration of stay of 6 to 12 months.
The selection is made in two steps : pre-selection and final selection. In order to participate in the programme, you must first apply on line.
- Sciences: applied mathematics, computer sciences, physics, chemistry, biology
- Engineering: applied physics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering
- Social sciences and humanities: sociology, history, economics, management and law, design, educational sciences
- Master’s degree candidates must justify of a 1st year of master’s degree or equivalent obtained outside of France
- PhD candidates must have a minimum qualification of master’s degree or equivalent obtained outside France or be following a PhD outside of France
Language skills:
A good knowledge of the French language is required for students applying for a complete academic year in a Research Master level 2.
For RM2 level admission, candidates must be less than 26 years old when starting their training at ENS Cachan.
This Scholarship Programme is open to students of all nationalities. However, priority is given to candidates from European countries, Maghreb countries, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, Taiwan, the United States, Vietnam.
Are not eligible:
- Foreign candidates who are registered, in view of obtaining a diploma, in a French higher education institution.
- Candidates who have already been awarded another grant for the same period.
- Previous years’ grant holders*.
* In some case, especially for joint PhDs, 12 month grants may be awarded, upon decision of the jury, for two 6 months periods running through two consecutive academic years.
The application forms should be filled in very carefully. We advise you to read first all the pages of the application file and prepare all the information you will need (you may click on Next to see the next page) When you will have prepared all the information, you are ready to start your on-line application.
If your on-line application is pre-selected by our committee, you will be invited to participate in the final selection phase.
The on-line application website will be open until 16 January 2011.
To start, please click on the On-line application. You may review your application any time, as long as you will not have clicked on “Soumettre la candidature / Submit your application”.
For more information please read attentively the ENS Cachan International Scholarship Regulations.
Application deadline : 16 January 2011