La Fondation Louisiane is a non-profit 501(c)3 foundation It was created in 1989 with a gift from the estate of the late James Domengeaux, founder of CODOFIL
· You must be a U.S. citizen or be a permanent resident of the U.S.
· You must be either a full-time student at a Louisiana university or a full-time teacher of French in the Louisiana school system.
· University students must have a declared Major in French Education or in French Liberal Arts.
Students must have an overall GPA of at least 2.5.
Students must have a GPA of at least 2.75 for their French courses.
· For universities who offer 3 credit hours for the beginners-level French course, students must have completed a minimum of 13 hours of university French to apply for a scholarship.
For universities who offer 5 credit hours for the beginners-level French courses, students must have completed a minimum of 15 hours of university French to apply for a scholarship.
Credit received from Advanced Placement Testing is counted toward credit requirements for a scholarship.
· Only full-time teachers of French in Louisiana who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. may apply for a scholarship.
· Qualifying students and teachers in both private and public institutions may apply for a scholarship.
· Please note that certain scholarships have additional and/or particular requirements.
· Please note that scholarships may be added to this program at a later date.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 11 February 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application click here